Monday, February 27, 2012
EOC Week 8: Is she fair game?
Having just watched the movie Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, some questions come to mind. Can someone like a princess be fair game for photos out in public? Or should someone show restraint and respect the person? Well to be quite honest both should be taken into consideration. Yes someone of such high status should expect to be photographed just about anytime they go out in public. There the paparazzi will be waiting to get their shots. For the most part they don't show any digression, taking photos any chance they get. Thats the norm for those types of people. Then theres the other type of person. Take for example Irving Radovich, played by Eddie Albert. Here was a photographer that actually understood the impact that his photos would have on the princess. Even though he took them first with only thoughts of making money on them but his tuned changed when Peck talked to him. Albert then understood that it was important that he kept the photos private and in the end actually gave them to the princess. Doing that really shows how his character developed from the beginning to end. Something like that happening for real would most likely not happen, this was a movie after all. However one could take that as a lesson on how to be. Understanding that the people their taking photos of are people that have feelings too not just some inanimate object is key. Once that is understood, you'll know the answer to if she's fair game or not.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Self Portrait in the eye of a Horse
Since I don't remember hearing that the eye had to be of a human. I decided to get a little creative and use a horses eye. I went horseback riding with some friends the other day and brought my camera along with me knowing I would have a chance to take some good photos. While actually riding I left my camera in my car because I didn't want to have to babysit it while riding. I've done that before and it got annoying. So when we got back from the ride, I got it and got in the face of my friends horse that she had just ridden. Hers was just a better candidate for the look I wanted. Mine had red bridle that just stood out more and didn't fit the profile on how a horse should really look in a photo. Anyways on to the whole point of the photo which was to make a self portrait in the eye of the subject that was being shot. I think I did fairly good job at. Once zoomed into the horses eye you can see me holding my camera up to my face in a vertical fashion, with one hand on the camera body and the other supporting the lens. Of course my face is hidden by the camera but that's the way it's suppose to be, I am a photographer after all... The image was shot with my Nikon D7000 at F9 with a shutter speed of 1/125 and an ISO of 125.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Week 7 EOC : The biggest challenges to completing my business plan
Oh where do I begin? This whole writing a business plan has been difficult to get started, but at last it is starting to taking shape. Probably the hardest part has been getting my thoughts together onto the paper. Then it's a matter of forming those thoughts into coherent sentences that actually make sense. Lets face it sometimes things just sound better in your head.... and don't transfer well to paper or in this case a computer... Slowly but surely I am getting it together though. Once completed roughly I will have to polish it off and give it a professional tune up. It's almost always easier to write everything out first as it flows naturally then go back and fix the mistakes.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week 6 EOC: Ron Gollealla and the First Amendment
My thoughts about the 1st amendment are that sometimes people like to push the boundaries on what is acceptable. Sure we have all the freedoms to do so but when they take advantage of it others can suffer as well. People will look at what we have and start to see maybe there should be limits on it all. Even though the constitution says they cant be touched. If the government really wanted to they would just deal with the outcry from the people somehow. That's starting to get off topic though, and the main thoughts here are Ron Gollealla and how far he took his first amendment rights. After watching the documentary "Smash His Camera" on him it was clearly seen that he pushed some of the limits, but he wasn't an evil man like I'm sure some other paparazzi's are. He saw he was in the wrong at times and took a step back from it, then got back into it somehow. Who can blame the man though really? He had this talent to talk to people, get them to look at him, and then react. Of course it wasn't always positive. Whether it was Jackie O sicking her security on him or Marlon Brando punching him in the mouth, he paid the price for his actions numerous times. However he knew the consequences of his actions would have negative outcomes. It's these types of people that are okay when they push past the normality of what can be deemed acceptable first amendment right. Since the man made such a great career out of it, its further proof that pushing the bounds set forth by the constitution might actually be encouraged to all to see what kind of results can be obtained. I'm not saying everyone should stalk their favorite celebrity trying to get photos, but testing the limits our freedoms just might be what we all need. It worked for Ron Gollealla, it should work for us...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Painting with Light
For my painting with light photo I used my Nikon D7000 and kept it indoors where I knew things would be controlled and even under thoe circumstances it was still difficult to get a good photo. I did keep trying though and after many many attempts I decided this was the best one. As you can see I painted a heart. I wanted to create it in the spirit of Valentines day. Don't worry I won't mushy here or anything like that. I just wanted to create art for this time of the year. Well as I say it took many tries to get a good photo. One would think it would've been simple to create such a simple shape, but it wasn't. Then again this is really my only second time trying to do it.It makes me wonder how many times Picasso did his light paintings. At least a couple times one would think. As for my adventures into painting with light, it's something that I would like to try more of perhaps with a model even that is painting or maybe even myself getting in the frame and painting around her. All ideas that I should write down to remember even though I don't think I'll be forgetting it since it has to do with taking photos. My shutter speed was slow at 8 seconds long, with an aperture of F13 and an ISO of 200.
Monday, February 6, 2012
EOC Week 5 Race Horse not Unicorns
My business is going to be about catering to the individual. Concentrating on what they need to provide the best service possible. I know that sounds just the same as what the next person is doing, and truth be told it is! Everyone has the same idea to give the best service possible. It's really not that hard to see what works best in the industry, and that's why people stick to it. As I said it will be about catering to what they need. Concentrating on a smaller clientele base, because its quality not quantity well actually for photography ideally it would be great to have a few Big clients and a bunch of one time type jobs to help everything along. Not too sure if those are race horses or unicorns but its and idea and I'm going to run with it.
Who won the super bowl?
Believe it or not, I've actually been watching football this season so when it was time to watch the super bowl I was ready for it. As the time disappeared behind us, the game progressed into something that could've been predicted. The final outcome of the game was 21 to 17. Giants. But the real winner was the commercials. One of the biggest events of the year to run an ad, and at a great price.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Photo Challenge: Wedding
This image was shot with my Nikon D7000 at F22 with a shutter speed of 1/160 at an ISO of 100. It was shot in the studio so lighting was used. Two strobes were used triggered by a transmitter. Not the usual type of model was used, by that I mean, she had a whole back tattoo. Great piece but not the most typical thing to find underneath a wedding dress and I wanted to show that off.
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